3 Aug

Apprentice of the Month - August 2022

Written by:

Jessica Dallard

Our Apprentice of the Month Award is an opportunity for the spotlight to shine on one of our current apprentices who has worked hard, accomplished, applied themselves or has achieved something fantastic whilst on programme. This is an opportunity to celebrate apprenticeships and their value, not only for the learner but also for the employer and the business they work within.In order to be awarded Apprentice of the Month, learners can be nominated by their TDM coach, other TDM members of staff who have come into contact with the apprentice and also from their mentor, employer or colleagues they work along side.

Apprentice of the Month – August

Our Apprentice of the Month Award for August goes to Georgia Jones from Red Kite Fostering Ltd. Georgia is currently on her Digital Marketing Level 3 Apprenticeship.Georgia's nomination came from both of her Apprenticeship coaches, Mel and Robin, who both wanted to recognise Georgia's great work and her drive to achieve.

"Throughout the apprenticeship Georgia has been driven to achieve all the learning and upskilling she can on the job." "Within the first few weeks of starting Georgia made the trip from Hereford to Worcester to check out the additional learning and reading resources within the TDM library and left with a large stack of books which she worked her way through in line with the courses on the apprenticeship and requirements on the job."  "As her coach, this really impressed me." "Straight away she took ownership for her own learning and development and took advantage of all the resources available to her and it's a great example to set for all apprentices who start at TDM." "Georgia is now nearing the end of the apprenticeship journey and is able to demonstrate a large amount of personal and professional development on the job."

"She has also achieved bags of technical skills that will help pave the way for the future of her career."

Well done and congratulations, Georgia!

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