11 May

Apprentice of the Month – May 2021

Written by:

Jessica Dallard

Our Apprentice of the Month Award is an opportunity for the spotlight to shine on one of our current apprentices who has worked hard, accomplished, applied themselves or has achieved something fantastic whilst on programme. This is an opportunity to celebrate apprenticeships and their value, not only for the learner but also for the employer and the business they work within.In order to be awarded Apprentice of the Month, learners can be nominated by their TDM coach, other TDM members of staff who have come into contact with the apprentice and also from their mentor, employer or colleagues they work along side.

Apprentice of the Month – May

Our Apprentice of the Month Award for May goes to Hannah Ballard from Airband. Hannah is currently on her Digital Marketing Level 3 Apprenticeship. Hannah's nomination came through her TDM coach, Mel, who wanted to highlight how "extremely proactive and diligent" Hannah is, both on her apprenticeship programme at TDM and in her job role, from day one. Mel also wanted to mention the impact Hannah is having on the digital marketing for Airband, all whilst under the fantastic mentor-ship of the "one and only" Dave Worth!

"Hannah started in her role in December, taking responsibility for tasks such as content creation, creating campaigns, researching competitors and presenting findings as well as getting involved with analytics." "More recently, Hannah has been involved with video production and has taken on new responsibilities in line with her increased knowledge and skills on the job and through the apprenticeship programme." "She is also in line to be instrumental in work on the company's new website so watch this space!"

"On programme at TDM, Hannah has achieved excellent grades in her exams, claiming spots in the top 3 results each time."

"The work she has produced and showcased through her E-Portfolio has been exemplary and shows the progress Hannah has already made in the job role as well as the breadth and depth of tasks she is exposed to at Airband."

"Hannah has been consistently recognised by her mentor and coaches for her ability to generate excellent ideas and share insights from her perspective that benefit the team as well as company marketing."

"She has become a real asset to the marketing team at Airband in such a short period of time!"

"Well deserving of recognition as TDM's apprentice of the month."

Congratulations Hannah and Airband!

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