5 Jan

Get Ahead in Digital Transformation: Reskill and Retain for your future!

adding immense value to their employers, but are bridging the tech and digital gaps that previously existed in the company whilst eliminating the need to recruit.

Written by:

Jessica Dallard

Businesses across the World have had the need for tech skills contextualised in a way that none of us could ever have predicted and, in some cases, with heart-breaking and devastating consequences. We can ensure we’re not caught out like this again. From one-man bands to major corporations, services are being rethought, products are being digitised, delivery is being adapted and the eyes of the World are turning to digital output.The working World is changing and the Covid-19 pandemic has brought the need for skilled digital professionals into laser focus, which is why now is the time to be upskilling existing staff and utilising the in-house skills you already have to revive and thrive in 2021.We want to shine a light over a few of our already employed Get Ahead learners who have/are currently enrolled onto our Get Ahead programme and are not only adding immense value to their employers, but are bridging the tech and digital gaps that previously existed in the company whilst eliminating the need to recruit.

Hannah - Design and Marketing Executive based in Birmingham

"Being currently furloughed, the Get Ahead in Digital Transformation Programme has allowed me to dig into my Digital Marketing knowledge and understanding and continues to be a relevant and helpful way for me to spend my time right now.""My end goal will be to enrol onto an apprenticeship through TDM as soon as I am back from furlough, but this programme is an excellent way to learn relative industry knowledge right now and prepare for different accountabilities I will be ready to take on upon my return to help my company maintain growth.""The areas I am focussing on right now are Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation and front end Software Development - this is great as it has allowed me to improve my SEO abilities, explore a variety of Digital Marketing tools and help my website development skills.""When I explained to my manager about the programme, the impact I could have as a result and the doors it could open up for the company, he couldn't wait for me to get started!""I can't wait to get started on my apprenticeship!"

Christopher - Technology Broker Director based in Gloucestershire

"I took part in the programme when running my own Technology Business to allow us to further our knowledge and support our clients in new ways."

"The unexpected outcome is that I was offered a permanent position in a digital transformation company called First Digital."

"Being Head of Technology now allows me to take all the skills I have learnt and use them in the business world on exciting projects with exceptional clients."

Lewis - Self-employed Personal Trainer based regionally

"I found the programme amazingly helpful to my business."

"As a self-employed person, learning how to market my business better has allowed me to access new clients and reach new levels."

"The help with social media gave me new skills and ideas of how to set up a YouTube channel to show my skills and create new contacts."

Ben - Digital Marketing Executive based in Redditch

“The Get Ahead in Digital Transformation Programme has been great for my personal and professional development." "At a time where I was working from home, this programme allowed me to stay connected and gave me an end goal that helped me to support my organisation as we moved forward”.

Get Ahead in Digital Transformation: The Programmes

We are currently offering fully funded virtual Grow Coaching Programmes in:

  • Digital Transformation
  • Cyber Security
  • Digital Marketing
  • Software Development
  • IT Management
  • Data Analysis

Our programmes also include certifications from organisations such as Google and Microsoft, fully funded by the government to make this available to people in the UK.There has never been a better opportunity to learn the skills required to thrive within your company and within an technologically-dependent World, so to find out more about them and how you sign up, visit:


To request a call to discuss your needs or to explore your options, email: enquiries@tdm.co.ukBe the the tech and digital change in your company!

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