15 Mar


Written by:

David Tomkins

TDM advice on Coronavirus for learners, employers and applicants

25th March 2020

The Development Manager (TDM) is currently operating remotely, delivering training and coaching sessions virtually with its team working from home as per UK Government guidance on the COVID-19 Out break. Below is some information on our regular activities such as programme delivery and applicant days:

E-moderated- Virtual Training

ALL scheduled training (previously planned to be delivered either at Worcester or Birmingham) will now be delivered via virtual classroom training via the TDM VLE (vle.tdm.co.uk).

Prior to the scheduled training, apprentices will receive an email with instructions on how to access BBB (Big Blue Button - TDM's virtual training space), which is in the TDM VLE.

Virtual Workplace Coaching Sessions

Workplace coaching will now be delivered via gotomeeting or BBB.

The TDM coach will get in touch to confirm details on a case by case basis, prior to the session.

Required equipment

To join the virtual delivery from VLE and BBB, apprentices will need:

  • A computer/laptop with internet access
  • A microphone
  • A camera

We would be grateful if employers can support their apprentices to get/borrow this equipment (if needed), to ensure there is minimum impact on the progress of their apprenticeship programme.

Attendance and Punctuality

The same rules apply for courses and coaching sessions being delivered via virtual means.

We understand some employers are experiencing a very busy period at the moment, the TDM coaches can give advice and guidance on what to do in terms of their 20% off the job hours.

We will remain as flexible as possible where there are valid reasons to reschedule courses and coaching sessions.

Attached is some guidance on procedures for the virtual coaching sessions and the e-moderated training.

Advice to apprentices

TDM are here to give as much advice and guidance as we can to our learners.

  • Follow guidance from the NHS and UK Government.
  • If you are feeling unwell or have symptoms:
  • Let your employer know
  • If you are due to have training with us at TDM, let us know of your non-attendance and your reasons
  • If you are signed off sick:
  • This is sick leave and does not count as Off-The-Job-Learning time
  • Let your employer know
  • Let TDM know because in the event of extended self-isolation, this may impact ESFA (Education Skills Funding Agency) regulations
  • Follow your employer’s policies
  • Note, when remote working you should still continue your 20% Off-The-Job-Learning including the ½ day a week working on your e-portfolios
  • Please contact your Professional Development Coach (PDC) or your SKC (Skills Knowledge Coach) if this is the case and they will provide online remote support where needed

Advice to employers

TDM are here to give as much advice and guidance as we can to our partners also.

  • Follow guidance from the NHS and UK Government.
  • If you instruct your apprentices to work from home, they must be allowed to continue their 20% Off-The-Job-Learning time Please inform TDM of any changes to their working environment or working hours

Advice to applicants

From now, Applicant days are being held online. Advice to applicants to apprenticeship positions is:

  • Follow guidance from the NHS and UK Government.
  • If you have booked on to an online Applicant Day but are no longer able to attend due to symptoms, please contact us so that we can rearrange your attendance for another time
  • If you are unable to attend a remote interview with an employer or delay a remote start date due to having Coronavirus symptoms, please contact us and the employer as soon as you can

Guidance links


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us:


  • Our Safeguarding Officer is: Jennifer Johnson
  • Our Safeguarding Lead is: Derrin Kent
  • Our Health and Safety Representative is: Elizabeth Hoyos

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