5 Sep

Skills Bootcampers of the Month - August 2024

It’s time to announce our Skills Bootcampers of the Month for August - Ben Lloyd and James Mullins who were both nominated by their coach Jo. Skills Bootcamps are free, flexible 12 week programmes to support adults into new Tech and Digital roles – either an Apprenticeship in a new organisation, taking on a new role or more responsibilities or to help the self-employed grow their business.

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Participants are assigned outstanding TDM Coaches who provide coaching and training support, with an Individualised Learning Plan to secure a new Tech and Digital role, for example helping to develop employability skills with interview practice, CV feedback, how to approach employers and the construction of a Showcase e-Portfolio.

Every month, our bootcamp coaches select learners to nominate for "Skills Bootcampers of the Month". This is an opportunity to celebrate some of the fantastic Bootcamp learners, who are ready and looking to start on a Tech and Digital Apprenticeship. These learners have excelled on our Bootcamps, for their drive, vulnerability and resilience.

Skills Bootcamper of the Month - Ben Lloyd

Ben is currently completing the Marketing pathway on our Skills Bootcamps and shares how despite it being a new sector / career path for him, he always felt that he had the relevant skills branch out into it, utilising Skills Bootcamps to help support this.

He highlights that so far on programme he has learnt 'various soft and hard skills including; content strategizing, email marketing, collaboration, digital advertising, business writing and organisation' and it has helped to further develop his understanding 'of skills such as graphic design and data analysis'.

Upon completion, Ben hopes to secure a Level 3 Multichannel Marketing Apprenticeship with a local employer to progress within a career in Marketing.

Ben's coach Jo, shares 'I've nominated Ben as he's been fully committed to the Skills Bootcamp and has made brilliant progress to the eportfolio he has been working on. He takes on feedback in a positive way and is always looking for ways to improve. Ben has also proved that he can work to tight deadlines and still produce high quality work.'

Skills Bootcamper of the Month - James Mullins

James has recently completed the Tech / Cyber pathway on our Skills Bootcamp as a means to develop his skills and progress with his employer. He shares the following about his experience on programme 'I have been able to expand my skills in ICT and have built a foundational layer in key areas such as computer hardware, troubleshooting and IT security. Through TDM's hand-on approach to learning I have learned valuable lessons in problem-solving, practical experience and confidence. I have also been able to develop my own learning plans and strategy to what suits me best.'

James highlights that his immediate goal upon completion is to determine his 'next step in education whether that be a long-term apprenticeship or smaller short-term courses'.

His coach, Jo, shares the following in regards to why he was nominated for Skills Bootcamper of the Month - 'James has demonstrated a positive attitude to learning throughout the Skills Bootcamp and I'm pleased to hear how he has already been applying his learning to his work place. He took it upon himself to make a start to his eportfolio before we met to discuss it, which shows great initiative. James has taken time to really consider his next steps and it is positive to see his desire for continuous development.'

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